Scallops of Lobster
Bacon Dumplings
2 lobsters
Two tbsp velouté sauce
4 Tbsp butter
Salt and Cayenne
bread crumbs
1 tbsp chopped parsley
4 tbsp clarified butter
4 tbsp. butter to grease the pan
Take two lobsters and cut them in half lengthwise, without breaking the shell
Clean the inside of the shell.
Cut the meat of the lobster into small dice and save the coral if any.
Take 2 tbsp of velouté and the butter, a little salt and Cayenne pepper and put these in a pan stirring over a medium flame.
When it is hot, throw the meat and the coral into the sauce
Lay all of this into the shells and level with a knife.
Sprinkle the bread crumbs and parsley over the lobster twice and baste with clarified butter.
Place under a salamander or broiler until it is browned and the lobster hot.
Serve immediately
The recipe is from
The French cook / by Louis Eustache Ude.
This can be downloaded here:;view=1up;seq=1